Well said, Fogus, well said.

On Sunday, January 20, 2013 9:16:35 PM UTC+6, Fogus wrote:
> I'll just add a few points: 
> Pull requests are not likely to happen.  It's not worth fighting over. 
>  However, I think that is a weak excuse for not contributing.  If you 
> want to contribute a complex bug fix, then the patch process is 
> trivial by comparison.  If you want to contribute doc fixes and think 
> that the patch process is too cumbersome (or in the case of the wiki, 
> not applicable) then there are numerous options in order of decreasing 
> visibility: 
>  - use Github's annotation capabilities to add editorial comments 
> (e.g. https://t.co/UXrsMk2M) 
>  - mailing lists 
>  - send a tweet 
>  - IRC 
>  - email your suggested enhancements to the maintainer 
> There are many ways to contribute valuable documentation and minor bug 
> fixes than the patch system.  In most cases a matter of rights never 
> comes into play because using editorial commentary and the 
> identification of bugs fall under the aegis of fair use (otherwise Joy 
> of Clojure would have 24 co-authors).  There are other advantages to 
> Github besides pull requests, annotations being just the one that 
> directly pertains to this discussion.   If you want to help then there 
> are numerous ways to do so.  If you want to push an agenda then by all 
> means continue this thread. 
> I would love to see a better system in place for contributing to the 
> wiki.  I have no solution sadly. 
> Likewise I would love to see a separate mailing lists and IRC for 
> ClojureScript -- although nothing is stopping someone from creating 
> them except the promise of a thankless job in moderation.  Maybe 
> that's why it hasn't happened yet - everyone is hoping someone else 
> will do the dirty work. ;-) 
> We're all friends here. Everyone wants to help.  There are ways to 
> help that do not involve endless mailing list threads and personal 
> distaste of process. 

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