Messages by Thread
Final CfP - ACM Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design - Deadline June 1
Michael Sperber
Clojure Nails - playlist of short videos on different Clojure topics
'Андрей Иванов' via Clojure
Clojure-Asia May 2022 Online Meetup
Clojure Asia
ANN: FlowStorm 2.0, a Clojure debugger
Juan Monetta
We are hiring Clojure Developer
Juan Pablo Montellano
Clojure Docker images breaking change
Wes Morgan
2nd CfP - ACM Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design - Deadline June 1
Michael Sperber
Clojure-Asia April 2022 Online Meetup
Clojure Asia
Re: Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic
'Harvie Griffith Jr.' via Clojure
Clojure 1.11 is now available!
Alex Miller
[CFP] Scheme 2022, 23rd Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop
Andy Keep
Connect to Mongo Database via TLS
Andreas Guther
ANN: Clojars one-off deploy tokens; emails on deployment
Toby Crawley
Clojure-Asia March 2022 Online Meetup
Zack Teo
Why is next.jdbc using my IP address?
Lawrence Krubner
[ANN] com.stuartsierra/component 1.1.0
Stuart Sierra
2nd Call for Participation: ´Virtual BOB 2022 (March 11)
Michael Sperber
how do I debug a cryptic XML error?
Developing Ionic application using Clojurescript
Marko Kocić
Clojure-Asia February 2022 Online meetup
Zack Teo
Best implementations of core.matrix for MBPro M1/arm machines?
Richard Belew
pre and post assertions, always in the meta data?
common ways to run regex against either Hickory HTML or zippers?
How to suppress warnings about namespace replacements?
Looking for a Senior Clojure Engineer @
'Angel Gutierrez' via Clojure
real-world-data meetings
Daniel Slutsky
visual-tools group -- meeting 1
Daniel Slutsky
Call for Participation: ´Virtual BOB 2022 (March 11, registration open)
Michael Sperber
a new Mac, with an old Emacs setup, and Cider won't work
Python dataclass equivalent
Kovas Palunas
Ankbit Application Server
Clojure Devs Required!
Nancy Morales
[ANN] com.walmartlabs/lacinia 1.1 and lacinia-pedestal 1.1
Howard Lewis Ship
Call for Participation: Study on Visual and Interactive-Syntax in Clojure(Script)
Leif Andersen
Call for Participation: BOB 2022 (March 11, Berlin or online)
Michael Sperber
Ruby on Rails similar functionality for auto-generating an API?
Clojure-Asia January 2022 Online Meetup
Zack Teo
Re: infinite loop print out of cyclic structure at repl
ANN: just-maven-clojure-archetype version 0.2-RELEASE
Jon Seltzer
What is this notation? "-a"
Hank Lenzi
Pesky java interop bug with 0xFFFFFFF error in BuferredReader
Hank Lenzi
ANN: just-maven-clojurescript-archetype 0.2-RELEASE
Jon Seltzer
ANN: ClojureScript 1.10.914
David Nolen
Visual tools meetings (please comment)
Daniel Slutsky
Changes to official Clojure Docker images
Wes Morgan
Re: Ok, so code is data...
Kovas Palunas
Scicloj status report: Notespace, 2021-11-29
Daniel Slutsky
2nd Call for Contributions: BOB 2022 [March 11, Deadline Dec 6]
Michael Sperber
Rationale of behavior when invoking composite data type as 0-arity function
re:Clojure Data Science Special -- Dec. 5th 2021
Daniel Slutsky
[ANN] rolling-stones 1.0.2
Mark Engelberg
Clojure-SG (Singapore) Online Meetup
Zack Teo
ANN: RCF, a REPL-first test macro for Clojure/Script (now with async tests!)
Dustin Getz
ANN: ClojureScript 1.10.891
David Nolen
What are resources to learn Clojure for beginners in Programming and get better?
Hanekawa Tsubasa
Call for Contributions: BOB 2022 [March 11, Deadline Dec 6]
Michael Sperber
bat-test: How can I stop the capture of test output?
Alan Thompson
[ANN] New Cognitect Labs aws-api service APIs available
[ANN] com.walmartlabs/lacinia 1.0 and lacinia-pedestal 1.0
Howard Lewis Ship
2021-10 - Plans & Hopes for Clojure Data Science
Daniel Slutsky
Open-sourced Clojure libraries for analytics and ML
Denis Laprise
gen-class and need for fully qualified class names
Jon Seltzer
re:Clojure 2021 pre-conference workshops
Daniel Slutsky
First build of Tupelo Clojure using Java 17 (Clojure 1.11.0-alpha1)
Alan Thompson
how to package a project to a jar file?
c y
[ANN] Concurrently - A library for making concurrent process-pipeline backed by core.async
'Tsutomu YANO' via Clojure
core.logic question
Official Docker image updates & potential breaking change
Wes Morgan
[?] alter-var-root and *out*
Philos Kim
Clojure Packaging Team BoF @DebConf - Aug 26 (Thu): 17:00 UTC (Online)
Leandro Doctors
[ANN] New aws-api service APIs available
Scicloj status report: Notespace, 2021-08-19
Daniel Slutsky
Re: Joy of Clojure example not working
[JOB] Remote Tech Lead role at WeFarm! - Clojure
Tash Laybourne
Functional Art, Music, Modeling and Design (FARM 2021) Aug 27: Call for Participation
Michael Sperber
What Emacs framework do you prefer?
[ANN] New Cognitect Labs aws-api service APIs available!
Debux 0.8.0 is out.
Philos Kim
Extra optional attr-map argument on defn... why?
Robert Levy
2021-08 - Plans & Hopes for Clojure Data Science
Daniel Slutsky
ANN: Typed Clojure 1.0.17: Enhanced destructuring error messages
Who wants to join a cool open source project?
Daniel Slutsky
Clojurists Together funding applications are open for Q3 2020
Daniel Compton
Rich 4Clojure - A Rich Comments port of 4Clojure
Peter Strömberg
[JOB] Software Engineer (PuppetDB) - Remote, North America
Rob Browning
Strange Vector failure
Jack Park