2009/5/7 Stefan Hübner <sthueb...@googlemail.com>:
> Laurent PETIT <laurent.pe...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Seems fine to me.
>> One question, though: I see that you want to name the artifact
>> "clojure-lang" and not just "clojure".
>> Why not just "clojure" as is the case for the ant build script ?
>> I guess this could just confuse people ?
> Very good point! That's exactly the kind of feedback I was hoping to
> get. Pushing a library to Maven Central isn't easy to rewind, if it's
> possible at all. So I want to make sure beforehand, that the right thing
> is going to get there.
> So, here's my explanation, and I hope it is reasonable:
> I just used the artifactId which is defined in the pom.xml
> shipped with Clojure since r502 (2007-10-30). Why "clojure-lang" was
> chosen in favour of just "clojure" confused me too, so I can not give a
> good explanation. Maybe Rich or the original contributor can?
> But, since Clojure has shipped this artifactId for 18 months now, it has
> materialized in many people's repo like that, I guess. In fact, the
> official 1.0 distribution "clojure-1.0.0.zip" has been shipped with this
> pom.xml. It seems a matter of fact, that in the maven world Clojure
> sails under the "clojure-lang" flag since day zero.
> So I refused to change that quasi-standard, as I don't want to confuse
> other people, who got used to "clojure-lang" in their maven world.
> What shall we do then?
> -Stefan

You're right, so from the beginning the ant script creates
"clojure..." while the maven script creates "clojure-lang...".

Well, I thought that since the official build script is the ant one,
the pom.xml should be adapted. In either cases, people will have to
change things ...

I guess only Rich can make the choice: statu quo, clojure (breaks
maven artifact id), clojure-lang (breaks build.xml).


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