Perhaps I'm being dense but I still fail to see what the issue is here: (defn setter [sym] `(defn ~(symbol (str "set-" sym)) [~'x ~'y] (assoc ~'x ~(keyword (str sym)) ~'y)))
(defn getter [sym] `(defn ~(symbol (str "get-" sym)) [~'x] (~(keyword (str sym)) ~'x))) (defmacro accessors [& syms] `(do ~@(map getter syms) ~@(map setter syms))) (accessors x y) (set-x {} 4) ; -> {:x 4} (get-x (set-x {} 4)) -> 4 Is this really so hard? I'll also point out that making maps work the way you propose isn't even particularly ideal because _anything_ in Clojure can be a key not just keywords. p.{"first": "Bob", "second": "Smith"} = 5 Makes absolute no sense in, say, Python, but (assoc some-map {:first "Bob" :second "Smith"} 5) is perfectly valid in Clojure. How do you propose to reconcile this? Just asking ;) On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Mark Engelberg <>wrote: > > Laurent, I think we're actually mostly in agreement here, although we > differ on some of the details. > > I agree with the Principle of Uniform Access. One interpretation of > this principle is that coders should never have a public field, and > should always use getters and setters, to make the API future proof. > This is how Java does things (or has it improved in latest versions?), > but many programmers (including myself) don't like this. So most > recent languages (C#, Scala) let you start out with public fields, and > then later, you can create methods which are actually called under the > covers by the standard assignnment and lookup mechanism in the > language, disguising these dynamic properties as standard fields. The > point is, you start out using the simplest thing to express your data > structure, and then you can convert it effortlessly IF you end up > needing to. > > In Clojure, most new data structures are going to be implemented as a > map. I am well aware that you could define getters and setters for > every single field to protect yourself. But I would prefer to start > with the simplest possible implementation, and be able to grow it > gracefully if need be. In other words, I want to start out just > representing my data structure as a map. I want to be able to use the > wonderfully convenient notations that Clojure allows (e.g., > (:numerator rational) to look up the numerator in a structure > representing a rational number). And then, I want my client code to > *not break* when my needs grow. > > In Clojure, you can do amazing things with maps, making it an ideal > tool for rapid coding, especially in the initial phase where > interfaces and design needs change frequently. At the other end of > the spectrum, you can also code elaborately complex things as Java > classes, interfaces, and proxies to implement them. But there isn't > much you can do in between. If you start with a map, and your needs > grow, you're kind of stuck and need to do a pretty elaborate rewrite. > It seems to me there's a need for something that works like a map, > letting you continue to use the standard associative interface such as > get, assoc, keyword access notation, =, etc., but can handle slightly > more complex things, perhaps with better hooks for customizing > equality, or hiding certain parts of the map, or providing a special > function to be called when using assoc and get with certain keywords > on a given map. > > On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Laurent PETIT <> > wrote: > > Why do you say "things kind of break down" ? > > > > (:key my-map) is a function call ? Everything is always (almost) a > > function call in clojure ? > > Yes, but as far as I know, it doesn't call anything you can customize. > I believe it calls get, which you can't hook into without > reimplementing your data structure as a proxy for the associative > interface. > > > > > I think an idea could be to have (get) and (set) polymorphic via > > multimethods (if they aren't already, maybe I don't know), but that > > would certainly be a performance killer ? > > Yes, if all the built-in things were implemented as multimethods, a > lot of my extensibility/scalability concerns would go away. But they > aren't (presumably for performance reasons). They are implemented as > Java interfaces, and you can't easily make a map respond differently > to these interfaces. You have to custom code your own map-like thing > via proxy. And equality and hashing are even more difficult to > customize. > > > > --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---