
This is probably digressing a little from the original question but I
was wondering if using namespaces here is a reasonable thing to do
when designing ADTs.

> SICP tells us that we should be defining accessor functions
> immediately when we create a new data type.
> (defn make-fraction [n d] {:numerator n :denominator d})
> (defn fraction-numerator [f] (:numerator f))
> (defn fraction-denominator [f] (:denominator f))

Couldn't you define the functions like so:

(ns fraction)

(defn make [n d] {:numerator n :denominator d})
(defn numerator [f] (:numerator f))
(defn denominator [f] (:denominator f))

And then from outside the namespace call

(def f (fraction/make 1 2))
(fraction/numerator f) ; => 1

This seems to me to be a fairly clean way to encapsulate an ADT and it
doesn't cost any more characters than the prefix style of naming


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