On 23 Apr, 17:59, Mark Engelberg <mark.engelb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Another problem that has already been "solved" by many OO languages is
> that initially it is most convenient to code certain things as
> properties of the object, and somewhere down the line, you may want to
> change property access into a method call.  Most newish OO languages
> have some way to do this, so that you don't have to start out making
> oodles of getters and setters to make your API future proof.  Timo
> pointed out the other day that if you start out modeling data as a
> map, and eventually want one of those pieces of the map to be
> dynamically computed from other elements, there's no convenient way to
> change this.  All client code that uses assoc and get to simply
> retrieve the field from the map must be changed, or the API must use
> explicit getters and setters from the outset.

If client code is using assoc and get then you haven't really started
thinking of your map as a new data type - you're still thinking of it
as a map.

SICP tells us that we should be defining accessor functions
immediately when we create a new data type.

(defn make-fraction [n d] {:numerator n :denominator d})
(defn fraction-numerator [f] (:numerator f))
(defn fraction-denominator [f] (:denominator f))


In fact it has this exact example:

Then you have no problems with client code when your map is no longer
rich enough to represent your data.

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