On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 2:21 AM, AndrewC. <mr.bl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If client code is using assoc and get then you haven't really started
> thinking of your map as a new data type - you're still thinking of it
> as a map.

I disagree with this assertion, and the comparison to the SICP
example.  Unlike Scheme, Clojure is factored into a number of
interfaces that are usable across a wide number of objects.  assoc and
get are part of the interface to set and get things in *any*
associative structure.  They are the logical choice to access fields
of new "objects".  It would feel rather un-Clojurian (to me) to have
to invent new accessor functions for every single new datatype you
create, rather than using the existing interface for associative

The problem, of course, is that there is a language design principle
that has evolved in the OO community that client code shouldn't need
to know whether you are accessing a field or a method.  In Clojure,
things kind of break down when you switch from using something in a
"field-like" way to a "method-like" way.

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