You're right. The following includes code for handling this case via setin and getin. I've also ditched macros, because that code couldn't support new lexical scopes in the setter/getter definition. setin getin support works by dynamically resolving getters and setters, thus this is slower than direct access via assoc-in and get-in.
Personally I have to say now that this is written, I prefer the terseness of: (set-x some-map v) over (assoc some-map :x v) This (get-x some-map) isn't as nice as (:x map) But it's also more explicit about how the map is being used- that a level indirection is required because the implementation might change. ;; ========================================== (comment (accessors x y z) ; {:x 4} (set-x {} 4) (defset x [m v] (assoc (assoc m :new "new") :x v)) ;; {:new "new", :x {:y {:z 1}}} (setin {:x {:y {:z 0}}} '(x y z) 1) ;; 0 (getin {:x {:y {:z 0}}} '(x y z)) ; {:x 4, :new "new", :foo 9} (let [z {:foo 9}] (set-x z 4)) ; 10 (let [y {:z 10}] (get-z y)) ; [0 1 2] (map get-x [{:x 0}, {:x 1}, {:x 2}])) (defn setter* [sym] `(defn ~(symbol (str "set-" sym)) [~'m ~'v] (assoc ~'m ~(keyword (str sym)) ~'v))) (defn getter* [sym] `(defn ~(symbol (str "get-" sym)) [~'m] (~(keyword (str sym)) ~'m))) (defmacro defset [sym args & forms] (let [set-sym (symbol (str "set-" sym))] `(defn ~set-sym [...@args] ~...@forms))) (defmacro defget [sym args & forms] (let [get-sym (symbol (str "get-" sym))] `(defn ~get-sym [...@args] ~...@forms))) (defn find-accessor [sym acc-type] (let [ns (or (namespace sym) (str *ns*)) sym-name (name sym)] (find-var (symbol ns (str (name acc-type) "-" sym-name))))) (defn setin [m [sym & syms] v] (let [setter (find-accessor sym :set) getter (find-accessor sym :get)] (if syms (setter m (set-in (getter m) syms v)) (setter m v)))) (defn getin [m [sym & syms]] (let [getter (find-accessor sym :get)] (if syms (getin (getter m) syms) (getter m)))) (defmacro accessors [& syms] `(do ~@(map setter* syms) ~@(map getter* syms))) On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 4:42 AM, MattH <> wrote: > > It's worth considering how *nested* accessors would work in the > context of immutability. > > The nested maps approach works really nicely, due in part to functions > like assoc-in: > > ; From Mark Volkmann's tutorial > (assoc-in person [:employer :address :city] "Clayton") > > What would the above update look like if 'address' was accessed using > functions like get-address and set-address? > > Functions like assoc-in clearly rely on a uniform way of getting/ > setting fields (i.e. maps). > > My *hunch* is that the right avenue is to extend/implement clojure's > map classes if injecting behaviour is ever necessary. (A standard/ > supported way to do this would be nice.) > > I'd be happy using constructor functions like (make-complex-number) > and (make-person) which can hide detail of their implementations, but > I'd also like to benefit from all that goes with the idiomatic use of > maps. > > (My 2c) > > > --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---