On Fri, 16 Apr 2010 23:50:09 +0200, Giampaolo Tomassoni <giampa...@tomassoni.biz> articulated:
> > > Err, it does have something to do with it. You made the assertion > > > that no-one would spend money replacing a system rather than > > > upgrade it. Two of us now have pointed out that real world PHB do > > > exactly that sort of thing - and this issue with clamav getting > > > the kill switch can be just the sort of excuse they need. It may > > > not be a valid reason, but then so many business decisions are > > > based on having enough excuses to do what you want rather than > > > doing what would logically be right. As Giampaolo comments, some > > > people (especially PHBs) simply see it as "that Linux stuff blew > > > up, best go with Microsoft like everyone else". > > > > The two who have "pointed out that real world PHB do exactly that > > sort of thing" now are operating broken systems. So much for > > credibility. > > See, Jerry. Credibility is something one have to gain. In my small > domain, I already did it. What about you? Well, lets think about this. Since I do not know you personally and have no direct or indirect knowledge of your domain, I feel safe in saying that my credibility within it might at best be considered debatable. > I see you're quite far from it at the moment, since you are trying to > drive people to think that complains are only from bad sysadms. I > can't of course speak for others, but I'm complaining because of the > bad light in which the ClamAV team put open-software with the 0.96 > case. To paraphrase your statement that you are only complaining because of this unproven accusation that ClamAV is somehow putting FOSS in peril, "When someone says its not the money but the principal, you can bet your bottom dollar it is the money." In other words, you are trying to move off center and refocus on alleged damage that the ClamAV action(s) have caused. Actually, I take the opposite stance. Team ClamAV has taken a bold move forward. By refusing to back port every conceivable enhancement to their product, they will be able to focus on producing a more robust product. Microsoft spent billions of dollars back porting every conceivable improvement to their system just to placate the winny-weaners (you know the type) that expect everyone to cater to their demands. This lead to a less than robust Internet Explorer offering. Now that they have openly stated that the unreleased IE9 will not work on WinXP, a ten year old OS, those same cry-babies are at it again. Maybe you and them should get together and form a fan club. > My systems, Jerry, work fine, thank you. But I had a couple of phone > calls from some friend sysadmins (yes, I have friends colleagues. Do > you?) who were in trouble due to ClamAV. My systems are functioning perfectly. Then again, I don't procrastinate, although I have spend way to much time today on this chat line. Of course, since none of my systems are down due to a catastrophic AV failure, I really don't have a whole lot to do at present. > Open software shouldn't behave this way. The ClamAV team should have > implemented ways to not screw old installation while going for its > own way. There were feasible ways to do this, but they chose not to > follow them. Period. They choose to do it in a manner that was most efficient for them. By the way, how much did you pay for your ClamAV license? Better yet, when ClamAV asked for public input months ago on the planned change, what did you contribute to the party? I am willing to be nothing. You are like a moron who doesn't vote and then bitches because the candidate they wanted did not get elected. -- Jerry clamav.u...@seibercom.net Disclaimer: off-list followups get on-list replies or get ignored. Please do not ignore the Reply-To header. __________________________________________________________________ To say you got a vote of confidence would be to say you needed a vote of confidence. Andrew Young _______________________________________________ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit http://wiki.clamav.net http://www.clamav.net/support/ml