On Apr 16, 2010, at 8:05 AM, Giampaolo Tomassoni wrote:

    this is the first time, in SEVERAL years that i work with IT,
that i've seen a software publisher pushing a 'kill' signature to its
own software.

Could you please qualify that statement. Do you mean that this is the
first instance of this kind you have experienced in several years,
meaning of course that there is a precedence for it, or that it is the fist time in the several years you have worked at your profession that
you have observed this behavior? Your statement, as it now stands, is

He is CLEARLY stating that he is several years he is working in IT, and that during his multi-year professional work he never saw a software publisher
pushing a kill signature.

What do you have to disambiguate?

    it's VERY common in the software industry to stop supporting old
versions, but they simply stay working. They're outdated,
unsupported, but they keep working. I have a working Redhat 9 machine
running until today, despite the fact it's SEVERAL years unsupported
and deprecated. Is this the best thing to do ? No, absolutely not, i
dont want credits for that. But hey, it simply continue working.

Many of use have taken that route as a 'stop gap' measure. However, to
instigate it as an official protocol is just asking for trouble.
this thread for further details)

Was the 'stop gap' really useful? To which purpose? Did the ClamAV team meant to stop old installations to work, in order to silence competitors? Perhaps to teach to clamav users about the very complex nature of today
systems and services?

Unfortunately, the net result will be that the management of the small
companies running their crappy and old mailing systems will have to hardly
face the fact their mailing box doesn't work anymore because a free
component in it unreasonably stopped working. This will decrease their trust about free software: they are going to buy a new computer running Microsoft
Exchange Server backed by something else then ClamAV...

Then they are free to do so and get what they pay for......

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