Quoting Leonardo Rodrigues <leolis...@solutti.com.br>:

it's VERY common in the software industry to stop supporting old versions, but they simply stay working.

For six months, you've been told to either upgrade or disable signature
updates.  If you'd done either, you would still be running fine.

 clamav took a VERY bad move, there's absolutely no doubt on that.

Perhaps, but had they let you continue running it, letting you think
it was working perfectly, but it no longer protected you -- that is it
could no longer do the job it is supposed to do -- would they be doing
you a service or a dis-service?

In this case, they are dammed if they do (anti-virus that doesn't catch
viruses is sure to be criticized), dammed if they don't (people who don't
do due diligence are sure to criticize them for "breaking" their system).

This will surely affect the software credibility, as you can be sure that LOTS and LOTS of email servers are broken since the signature was published.

Yes, lots are broken (their fault).  If they didn't do this, lots
of email servers would be thinking they were protected but wouldn't be...
Either way, people lose...  No win situation.

despite the fact there's was good reasons for doing that, it WAS a VERY bad move IMHO.

Well, the argument is: no one told me.  Despite it being on the web site.
Despite 6 months of discussions and warnings on the mailing list.  Well,
guess what?  They told you -- by shutting down your clamav!  So don't
say they didn't tell you...  They told you in 3 ways, starting 6 months

Now, IF they didn't tell you, and you were passing viruses through, you'd
be mad, right?  So they told you...  Made sure you were not passing any
viruses through.  Just doing their job.

Do I like what they did? No.  Do I have a problem with it? No.  Will it
hurt their reputation?  Only with people who don't do due diligence...

Complaint: They didn't tell me!  Answer: They did tell you, and turing off
software was the last of several attempts to tell you -- and it worked!
Heck, they even asked for comments and suggestions when forming this policy.
Why did people speak up then?

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Go Longhorns!
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