On Apr 16, 2010, at 9:33 AM, Simon Hobson wrote:

Jerry wrote:

So, rather than update ClamAV and/or their OS, which in the majority of
cases would involve no monetary expense, users will purchase new
servers and flock en masse to Microsoft, spend thousands more on
Microsoft Windows Server 2010, Exchange, etc and learn new skills to
administer said network. Could I ask you a personal question; are you
on drugs and if so, can I have some because that is one hell of a trip
you are on?

You really think they don't do that ? In the real world, PHBs all over do take just that sort of decision - how else do you think MS got where they are.

Yes and they get exactly what the deserve and PAY for when they switch.......

Furthermore, why wouldn't these <quote>small companies running their
crappy and old mailing systems</quote> install updated versions of the
OS, etc they all ready have installed?

In many cases, they will have systems that were installed for them some time ago, and that they no longer have paid support for. When it "dies" they'll go to someone to "fix it" - and lets face it, there are a lot more outfits that will tell them they need an Exchange server than there are that will tell them it's an easy fix.

I've seen it more than once. IN fact, I was thinking about the mail server at my last job as I wrote the previous paragraph - then thought I ought to warn the guy left to run it - and then remembered that it dies a while ago with a disk failure and they switched to using hosted Exchange. So yes, a real example where they decided to replace the free and functional software with something they pay for and which does less.

That's PHBs for you. Weird, but believe me, it happens - and incidentally, guess what my current employer loves to sell :-/

Eric Rostetter wrote:

At no point have I seen anything in the logs on my servers to say it was going to be turned off. Like many others, the first I knew was when I got to work this morning and the server wasn't working.

Because they should have obviously jumped in the way-back-machine
and changed the 5 year old software you use to warn you about a future
event that wasn't known 5 years ago?

Or because they should have hacked into your machine and placed the notice
there for you?

Or should they have gone personally to your house last night and knocked
on your door to tell you?

Or they could have put it on their website at the one page that does appear in the log - but they didn't put it on the FAQ page at all. As it happens, I **HAVE** been to the FAQ page in the last few months and had it been there like it is on the front page then I would have seen it.

So in that respect, a very simple edit to the website could have made a significant difference - I doubt I'm alone.

Jason Bertoch <ja...@i6ix.com> wrote:

It's broke

It is now

please go fix it.

I will, now I know about it. But it would have been nice to do it at a more convenient time, and with advance notice so I could use it to get some resource allocated by management.

Simon Hobson

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