> > Unfortunately, the net result will be that the management of the
> small
> > companies running their crappy and old mailing systems will have to
> > hardly face the fact their mailing box doesn't work anymore because a
> > free component in it unreasonably stopped working. This will decrease
> > their trust about free software: they are going to buy a new computer
> > running Microsoft Exchange Server backed by something else then
> > ClamAV...
> So, rather than update ClamAV and/or their OS, which in the majority of
> cases would involve no monetary expense, users will purchase new
> servers and flock en masse to Microsoft, spend thousands more on
> Microsoft Windows Server 2010, Exchange, etc and learn new skills to
> administer said network.

A crappy and old system can't be easily upgraded: you have to re-install it
from scratch in the best cases. In the worst, better "reset and restart"
with new hardware too. When that kind of system get stuck, management tend
to renew it from scratch anyway.

Since the management itself was bitten by the clamav problem and knowing how
management often thinks, believe me it won't be too difficult to know how
things will go in most cases. The manager (because you only get one person
in the management in very small companies) will shout: "I don't want to get
into these troubles anymore! The company of my friend X runs Microsoft and
they didn't experience this!" Because for the management the matter will
simply be Linux vs. Microsoft: these are probably the only two words they
know about software (and they may even believe Linux is a company).

> Could I ask you a personal question; are you on drugs and if so, can
> I have some because that is one hell of a trip you are on?

If you were running an old, outdated version of clamav and spamassassin, you
could get some by replying to one of that slippery e-mails...

> Furthermore, why wouldn't these <quote>small companies running their
> crappy and old mailing systems</quote> install updated versions of the
> OS, etc they all ready have installed? Lets face facts, you obviously
> have not thought this through. Post back when you have a factually
> correct idea of what you are disseminating.

The only thing I'm trying to disseminate here is that running a successful
open-software project demands for a very responsible approach to users,
otherwise you may put in danger your project and the open software


> Jerry
> clamav.u...@seibercom.net

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