On Monday 30 June 2008 4:02 am, Tomasz Kojm wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 19:45:42 -0500
> Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This is run at 23:59 nightly, so sometime between Sunday at the time it
> > was ran and yesterday when it ran 80454 signatures were dropped from the
> > database. I did notice this in my clamav log:
> >
> > Mon Jun 23 15:11:20 2008 -> Database correctly reloaded (471837
> > signatures) Mon Jun 23 16:11:46 2008 -> Database correctly reloaded
> > (391335 signatures)
> >
> > The difference being 80502.
> >
> > Does this mean anything, I don't know, I imagine the number of sigs could
> > vary up and down, I've just never noticed it before.
> When we update the main database and move sigs from daily.cvd into it at
> some point both main.cvd and daily.cvd include the same (duplicated) subset
> of signatures. The counter drops down with a new release of daily.cvd which
> no longer includes sigs which have been moved into main.cvd.

Question then, in my scirpt I have the following:

if (/main\.cld.+\(version:\s(\d+),\ssigs:\s(\d+),/) {
                if (/main\.(?:cld|inc).+\(version:\s(\d+),\ssigs:\s(\d+),/) {
                        #print "MAIN: $2\n";
                        $fcmainversion = $1;
                        $fcmaincount = $2;
                if (/daily\.(?:cld|inc).+\(version:\s(\d+),\ssigs:\s(\d+),/) {
                        #print "DAILY: $2\n";
                        $fcdailyversion = $1;
                        $fcdailycount = $2;

Should this be daily cld or cvd? If set to cld I get a total sig count of:

Total Database Signatures       333,543

If set to cvd I get a count of:

Total Database Signatures       396,249

KeyID 0xE372A7DA98E6705C

Attachment: pgpzhNe4HFTXx.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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