On Tuesday 24 June 2008 10:20 am, Hameedullah Khan wrote:
> Clamav known virus count has been dropped from: 495155 to 325548.
> I tried to find it on google but dind't found anything. A fellow
> sysadmin pointed to me at:
> http://lurker.clamav.net/message/20080417.120720.723a5e47.en.html
> which says that clamav must be loading some table twice.
> So now my question is how can we make sure that clamav does not load
> any table twice. I looked at clamav man page but there wasn't
> anything.
> Thanks.
Hmm, you're right, note below the output of the clamstats script I run daily:

21 June:
Statistics since                19 April 2008
Last Database Update            Sat Jun 21 23:11:31 2008
Total viruses detected          504
Total Database Signatures       324,485

22 June:
Statistics since                19 April 2008
Last Database Update            Sun Jun 22 23:42:51 2008
Total viruses detected          508
Total Database Signatures       326,357

23 June:
Statistics since                19 April 2008
Last Database Update            Mon Jun 23 23:40:04 2008
Total viruses detected          516
Total Database Signatures       245,903

This is run at 23:59 nightly, so sometime between Sunday at the time it was 
ran and yesterday when it ran 80454 signatures were dropped from the 
database. I did notice this in my clamav log:

Mon Jun 23 15:11:20 2008 -> Database correctly reloaded (471837 signatures)
Mon Jun 23 16:11:46 2008 -> Database correctly reloaded (391335 signatures)

The difference being 80502.

Does this mean anything, I don't know, I imagine the number of sigs could vary 
up and down, I've just never noticed it before.

KeyID 0xE372A7DA98E6705C

Attachment: pgplEhYe3R76C.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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