On Mon, May 27, 2024, 6:54 AM CAREY SCHUG via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>

> Just curioius, as a much less techy person, are there sets of eproms that
> are compatible for reading, but just require a different programming
> regimen?  Could the OP have used a different eprom that is easier to
> program?
> If not, is the limitation pinout, so a header swapping pins could let a
> different eprom be used?

> Just curioius, as a much less techy person, are there sets of eproms that
are compatible for reading, but just require a different programming

In general, yes, EPROMs of a given capacity usually all of the same pinout,
but different device manufacturer specific programming algorithms. For a
given capacity, a device manufacturer might even have multiple parts of
that capacity with different algorithms. For example, an original  version
of a device, then a later A-suffix version with improved specifications and
a different programming algorithm. (In earlier days there were some
incompatible 16K-bit and 32K-bit EPROM pinouts. For example,  be careful
with TI TMS2516/TMS2716 TMS2532/TMS2732 EPROMs).

> Could the OP have used a different eprom that is easier to program?

In this case, the common 64K-bit 8Kx8 EPROM generic 2764 pinout has 28
pins. The Motorola MC68764 / MC68766 are uncommon 64K-bit EPROMs with only
24 pins, which I believe matches a 64K- bit mask ROM pinout instead. That
limits the choices for drop in replacements.

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