There's also the unusual, little known but readily available and
programmable TMS2564 (Vpp also 25V, alas); it (sort of) stayed with
the original ROM/EPROM pinouts when everyone else switched to the
JEDEC standard as more pins became needed.

It's a 28 pin 8K x 8 EPROM, but the upper 24 pins are pin-compatible
with the MCM68764/6 and many 24 pin 8K x 8 ROMS (BTW, what's the
difference between the 68764 and the 68766?)

Of course you need the room for the extra 4 pins hanging off the end
and a jumper to the extra chip selects, but it's definitely an option,
especially as the Moto parts are getting scarce. I believe there's
also a Hitachi (?) version equivalent to the 6876x but I can't find
the number at the moment; probably even more obscure...


On Mon, May 27, 2024 at 11:35 AM jos via cctalk <> wrote:
> Gents, please be aware of the WSI 57C49 Eprom, 8Kx8 in a 24 pin DIP
> It can go low as 25nS access time.
> Note that addresslines A10,A11 and A12 are swapped, so the contents needs to 
> be moved accordingly.
> I used the C program below to create replacements for some Tektronix 4052 ROMS
> Jos
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> /*
>   * radapt <rominage>
>   *
>   * quick hack to transpose rom inages from mk36000 to wsi57c49
>   * These are pincombatible except for A10, A11 and A12
>   *
>   */
> #define        K8 8192
> #define        K1 1024
> unsigned char in[K8], out[K8];
> void move(int a, int b)
> { int i;
> printf("%d %d\n",a,b);
> for (i=0;i<K1;i++)
>   out[b*K1+i]=in[a*K1+i];
> }
> int main(int argc,char *argv[])
> {
>    int i=0;
>    int c;
>    FILE *fptr;
>    fptr=fopen(argv[1],"rb");
>      { if (!fptr)
>             printf("Unable to open file %s\n",argv[1]);
>            else
>        { while( (c=fgetc(fptr)) !=EOF )
>            { in[i]=c; i++;}
>          fclose(fptr);
>          if (i!=K8)
>              {  printf("incorrect input file size, must be %d, not 
> %d\n",K8,i);
>                 exit(-1); }
>              move(0,0);
>              move(1,2);
>              move(2,4);
>              move(3,6);
>              move(4,1);
>              move(5,3);
>              move(6,5);
>              move(7,7);
>              fptr=fopen("out.bin","w");
>              for (i=0;i<K8;i++)
>                fputc(out[i],fptr);
>              fclose(fptr);
>         printf("Output file out.bin written\nmv out.bin %s\n",argv[1]);
>      };
>    };
> }

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