On 2024-05-26 12:30, Glen Slick via cctalk wrote:
On Sun, May 26, 2024 at 4:26 AM Glen Slick <glen.sl...@gmail.com> wrote:
Anyway, if the SCM90448 EPROMs for your M8189 KDF11-B are actually
Motorola MC68764 / MC68766 EPROMs,
I have one board with MCM68766 and two boards with SCM90448
I have BP Microsystems device
programmers that can handle those. I have programmed some of those
myself for my own M8189 KDF11-B.
Are you looking to get set up with
the 23-380E4 / 23-381E4 M8189-BG firmware?
Yup! Actually hoping for:
MicroPDP-11/23 ROM v1.1 (23-453E4 and 23-454E4
Those Motorola EPROMs require a Vpp of 25 volts, which is probably why
a lot of modem device programmers don't handle them.