On 2024-05-27 09:54, CAREY SCHUG via cctalk wrote:
Just curioius, as a much less techy person, are there sets of eproms that are
compatible for reading, but just require a different programming regimen?
Could the OP have used a different eprom that is easier to program?
If not, is the limitation pinout, so a header swapping pins could let a
different eprom be used?
Yes, there are EPROMs, EEPROMS, and PROMs of different technologies that
are pin-compatible. But you have to be careful about access times! When
programmed, they may appear to read the same on the programmer, but
access times may be different. For example on the DEC MXV11 board you
can mount both bipolar and E-PROMs, but the access times are wildly
different. I had a client that brought a board to me that would not run
a standard bootstrap after he copied it from purchased PROMs.. The
problem was that when you bought the boot ROMs from DEC, they were
bipolar (82S series I think). He used EPROMS with many times slower
access speed. The problem was that the PROMs were being read at bus
speed and the data was being presented to the bus way after the CPU had
tried to read it!
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