Thanks for the comments.

On 9/9/19 6:45 AM, Jason Cobb wrote:
On 9/9/19 6:10 AM, Reuben Staley wrote:
Create a new rule with title "Cheques", power 2, and text:
      Cheques are entities. Each cheque is associated with an interest
      group. Cheques associated with the same interest group are
      fungible, rules to the contrary notwithstanding. Their
      recordkeepor is the Treasuror.

Why not make it an asset? That would give cheques an owner, which I think is what you want.

I'm sure there was a draft where they were assets but I changed it for some silly reason.

Create a new rule with title "Balancing", power 2, and text:
      During the first Eastman week of each month, the Treasuror CAN and
      SHALL perform the following actions, collectively known as
      Balancing, in sequence:

This falls in to the trap that we've already seen - this means the Treasuror CAN only do it in the first Eastman week - if e fails to do it in that time, e must wait until next month.

Good point. I wrote this before that was an issue.

      1. Establish the performance value of each interest group as
         A. Justice: (the number of cases submitted in the previous
            Agoran month that were not issued a valid judgement within
            one week of being assigned) / (the number of cases submitted
            in the previous Agoran month)
         B. Efficiency: The mean of the following value for each office:
            - If the office has no monthly or weekly duties, 0.

Potential scam of creating a bunch of offices with no responsibilities, but at that point you're already changing the rules and might as well just amend this one or create a bunch of coins.

I don't think that's something to be extremely concerned about. A scam like that would take a rule amendment that I don't think very many people would vote for.

C. Legislation: (the number of proposals submitted in the
            previous Agoran month whose outcomes were not ADOPTED) /
            (the number of proposals submitted in the previous Agoran
         D. Participation: (the number of Agoran decisions initiated in
            the previous Agoran month whose outcome was FAILED QUORUM) /
            (the number of Agoran decisions initiated in the previous
            Agoran month)
      2. For each interest group:
         A. generate a random number between 0 and 1 to at least three
            significant digits.

Hmm... I think "generate a random number between 0 and 1" requires a uniform distribution over all real numbers in that range, which is not really possible; I'm not sure that the significant digits requirement helps it.

There's always multiplying everything by some factor of ten and generating a random number in that range, but if I can make this work, that would be cleaner.

B. Increment the value of the interest group by one if the
            generated number is equal to or greater than the performance
            value of the interest group; otherwise decrement its value by
      3. Create a public message that includes all relevant values
         from this process.

Amend Rule 2496 "Rewards" so that it reads, in full:
      A player CAN, by announcement, earn the set of assets associated
      with a reward condition exactly once in a timely fashion each time
      e fulfills it, provided the announcement specifies the action that
      e performed and the amount of assets e earns as a result.

      Below is a list of reward conditions and their associated assets.

      * Casting a vote on all proposals distributed in the previous
        week on eir own behalf: 1 participation cheque.

Possible ambiguity: "(Casting a vote [...]) on eir own behalf" vs. ("Casting a vote on (all proposals distributed [...] on eir own behalf)".

What does a proposal distributed on one's own behalf even look like? Unless I'm missing something, the second suggestion wouldn't even make sense.

      * Being the author of an adopted proposal: 1 legislation cheque.

I like the AI*(F-A) because a) it creates more money, b) it values proposals that touch more important parts of the ruleset more highly, and c) it values uncontroversial proposals more highly. You could probably do something similar here, but I think all proposals getting equal rewards is not a good thing.

While I was writing this draft up, I thought about how to do that. Every solution I could think of was extremely inelegant. Giving out a number of legislation cheques greater than 1 unbalances the whole thing -- I would have to increase the others so that this is not seen as the only way to earn money. This would, in turn, cause major inflation because all the rewards would be multiple times greater at points. I suppose I could change how valuable cheques are, but I feel the system is granular enough as it is.


However, this is a proto for a reason: because this draft is trash. I
could list all the things I dislike about it if I wanted to. And so I

1. For such a simple (in-concept) system, it sure requires quite a bit
   of text to describe it. I feel like it could be a bit more concise.

Defining cheques as assets would help. However, I don't think that text is inherently a bad thing - I would honestly rather see something that's relatively clear but longer than something that's overly clever and brittle.

The balancing rule is what I'm referring to in large part here. The list looks intimidating but I'm not sure how that could be helped.

2. Penalizing proposals that fail is a terrible idea because it
   discourages being the slightest bit controversial or else the entire
   collective is punished.

If you want a party that tries to get legislation _passed_, then that is the natural definition. You could punish proposals that do horrendously, but that discourages pointing out flaws in proposals.

I don't have a good response for this. If anyone has ideas to save Legislation, I'm open.

6. Theses should probably be converted to cheques first.

I would be against 6 - theses don't really fit into any of the categories, and I feel like theses should always be equally valuable.

Your first point is why I didn't change anything. At the same time it just feels weird for there to be a black sheep.


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