On Tue, 2017-09-05 at 07:43 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> Proto:  Portfolio wins.
>      Estates are worth 10 points each.  Stamps are worth 2 points each
>      Monsters are worth 5 points each.  (other possible assets other
>      than shinies).
>      A Portfolio is a combination of assets worth 200 or more points.
>      A Player CAN submit an SHA-512 hash of a text detailing a specific
>      portfolio (specific, non-conditionally defined set of assets) -
>      this becomes eir target portfolio.   If a player has submitted a
>      target portfolio and not changed it in 6 weeks, e CAN win the game
>      if e possesses all the assets in the target portfolio and publishes
>      eir target portfolio (confirmable via hash).
>      [add some text so the same portfolio can't win multiple times, etc]

Numbers are off here, I think. Estates and Stamps are both rate-limited 
as a matter of months, and Monsters are rate-limited by Stamps, making
this a very long-term goal; being able to change your portfolio only 6
weeks before winning is a very short time period in comparison. Either
the point count needs to be lower, or the lockout period needs to be

Also, this doesn't really fit with monsters as envisaged by the
original proposal, as you'd have no reason to go for the stronger ones.


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