Maybe I’m just impatient, but I’m not particularly keen on spending multiple 
stamps on something when stamp can only be purchased once a month. Tying them 
to stamps means they will be a very slow-moving mechanic; I’m not sure if 
that’s a good thing or not.

> On Sep 4, 2017, at 9:16 PM, Cuddle Beam <> wrote:
> I create the following proposal and pend it with 1 Action Point:
> - Title: Monsters
> - Content: Create a rule that titled "Monsters" and with the following 
> content:
> "Monsters are entities that exist within Estates and are tracked by the 
> Surveyor. Monsters have a name which is a string of text and an amount of 
> Power, which is equal to the amount of characters their name string has. (eg, 
> an "Imp" has a Power of 3, and a "Pit Demon" has a power of 9).
> Players CAN, by announcement, cause themselves to lose a positive integer 
> amount of Stamps and create a Monster at an Estate of their choice with Power 
> equal to, at most, the square of the Stamps they chose to lose."

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