You're seeing a very small slice of time and making generalizations based
on your very short time here.

Looking back, the majority of game time is when one particular type of play
dominated, with people trying to Win it via "legit" methods.  Sometimes Cards.
Sometimes Contracts.  Sometimes Points.  Sometimes Economies.

You came in-between times.  We were (and are) trying to get an economy
going.  Unfortunately, it suffered a large series of distractions when
some parties decided to Demand Attention without first trying to understand
what was going on, using a series of nonsense scams that distracted everyone
and detracted greatly from putting the "legit" game together.

Interestingly, several other players who joined during the same time period
didn't have the same issues.

That all said, some pruning is needed.  Several of the stubs attempted over
the last year didn't really go anywhere and should be swept up (e.g. 

On Thu, 24 Aug 2017, Cuddle Beam wrote:
> In the end, Agora is an attention distribution machine. A game of attention 
> economy. If we didn't need attention from other people, we would be playing 
> nomic alone.
> And in the end everyone wants their own things to gain the most attention, 
> whether it be rules for others to use, obscure history you care about, your 
> scams, etc.
> I feel like there just isn't enough attention to go around for the attention 
> demands that we create for others. There are more attention-requiring things 
> than 
> the average player can give.
> And we demand an unfair amount of attention from newcomers, I feel. They have 
> to
> give attention to our coolio clubhouse unwritten house rules and vast obscure
> history, or listen to us talk about that vast obscure history and written 
> rules, in
> order to play the game at all. It's a huge tax.

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