On Wed, 23 Aug 2017, Owen Jacobson wrote:
> My personal coping strategy has been to ignore the mechanics that don’t 
> immediately interest me, more or less, and to focus intently on the ones 
> that do. However, that’s a coping strategy, not a solution: I’m surely
> missing interesting opportunities by mostly-disregarding ribbons and
> patent titles, or by not trying terribly hard to win.

I go through periods of ignoring stuff and getting engaged in gameplay.
One reason I haven't jumped in recently is I haven't gotten too engaged
in the latest, though I'm watching to see if it gets interesting.

> * Convert SHALL NOT et al into something equivalent to CANNOT or IMPOSSIBLE

As long as you have things you want to make illegal to say (e.g. illegal
to reveal secrets, illegal to deceive someone, illegal to attempt etc.)
this can't work, as once someone says something, it's not possible to
pretend the information wasn't revealed.  Looking through, I think that's
many (but not all) of the current SHALL NOTs.

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