On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 3:16 PM Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:

> Note to Arbitor:  this message contains 2 CFJs, below.
> I use the BÖÖ Agency to submit the following proposal, "Throw off Your
> Chains", AI-3, specifying that it is a Competition Proposal for the
> current proposal competition:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>    The perpetuation of dictatorship is not treating Agora Right Good
>    Forever;
> and WHEREAS:
>    The existence of dictatorship is an anathema, and the presence of
>    a current dictatorship in the Rules is a Mess of our own making;
> and WHEREAS:
>    The persons in power have not made a visible effort to clean up
>    said mess, in perhaps hoping that the hoi agorai will remain
>    docile, or apathetic;
> and WHEREAS:
>    such docility, in the long-term, is fully AGAINST OUR NATURE;
>    That Rule 2942 (Reward and Delay) is hereby REPEALED.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> I CFJ on the following:
>    Quazie is the author of the proposal "Throw off Your Chains".
> Evidence: (above proposal & submission statement).
> Arguments:
> I state for the record that Quazie had no knowledge of this proposal
> before it was sent to the public forum.  The proposal was written by
> G., and submitted on behalf of Quazie via the BÖÖ Agency.
> Rule 2350 reads in part:
>       A player CAN create a proposal by announcement...
> this is clearly Quazie.
> But it also reads:
>       The author (syn. proposer) of a proposal is the person who
>       submitted it.
> "Submit" is not directly defined, and could be the publisher of the
> message.  In this case, the sender and writer of the proposal is G.
> Which one is the "person who submitted it"?
> ==========================
> I CFJ on the following (linked to the above, please):
>    The proposal "Throw off Your Chains" is a competition proposal
>    for the current proposal competition.
> Evidence:  (above proposal & submission statement).
> Arguments:
> Rule 2431 reads in part:
>              any player CAN specify that a Proposal e submits is
>       a Competition Proposal for that Competition.
> Whether this is in the proposal competition depends on whether
> Quazie "submitted" the proposal, and whether G. had the ability
> through the BÖÖ Agency to specify the competition.

2942 was just amended when i Deputized Assessor, it's contents no longer
delay anything, and it's got a different name.

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