On Sun, 2017-04-16 at 21:48 -0700, Aris Merchant wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 9:42 PM, Quazie <quazieno...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Please define 'Lost and found department' - It seems to be a non-player
> > entity capable of holding assets without restriction, and it seem to be
> > impossible to fully restrict the lost and found department from holding any
> > given asset?  Seems like it should be possible for ownerless assets to self
> > destruct instead of ending up in the lost and found where presumably someone
> > could end up removing them if they became ownerless (It seems like if a
> > player stops being a player, the lost and found gets their stuff, and then
> > anyone can take it no matter what that stuff is)?
> I just had an idea. I'm probably insane, but it's an idea. What if
> Agora could own assets? What if assets could own other assets? What if
> the Lost and Found Department was an asset owned by Agora? Probably
> ridiculous, but the possibilities...

We've done this in the past. IIRC it was used to "break symmetry" on
currencies (all items of the currency were /supposed/ to be identical,
but give one of them an asset and now they aren't), as a method of
trying to cause a contradiction in the rules, and I can't remember how
that was resolved.


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