On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 5:56 PM, Kerim Aydin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I'm saying in mathematical definitional terms VL ~ {Caste} by definition. > VL is defined as a number in the range {Caste}. Changing Caste changes > VL's allowed range and VL can't be changed outside of the range {Caste}. > That's different than saying changing VL changes Caste.
Rule 2156 says that VL can't be increased. Rule 2126 says that it can. The only reason there isn't an analogy here with, say, a Power=1 rule where I say that someone's voting limit on democratic decisions is defined as a number in the range {0} is that Rule 2156 could claim precedence over Rule 2126. But only explicit precedence claims count and Rule 2156 makes no such *explicit* claim. Or do you count this as a potential escalator? Seems unlikely to me.