On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 1:25 PM, Kerim Aydin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> What does CFJ 1895 have to do with this?  When Googlebot makes PNP
>> send a message, the primal causal agent is clearly the PNP,
>> notwithstanding R2170, which forces us to tortuously look up the chain
>> for any vaguely responsible first-class person in order to find the
>> message's Executor.  If PNP suddenly became a private contract, its
>> ability to send messages would not be thereby cut off.
> I utterly reject that notion.
> There's nothing tortuous about it.  No matter how you slice it, there's
> a set of conscious, thinking, Turing-test-passing entities that have
> fundamental controls that are behind every shell we've allowed to register,
> that are "final" causal agents, in that things are sent because "they"
> want them to be sent.  It might be a "collective" They that set an
> automatic process in motion, but it's still comes down to such entities.
> Hide the shells all you want, but we thinking entities are still the
> originating "cause" of all game actions.  (Yes, I believe it ultimately
> comes down to the source of Free Will; even if Free Will doesn't exist
> we are playing agora as if it does).

I think you're missing the point, which is that the executor of a
message *cannot be* a collective.  Per R2170, it has to be a single
first-class person, i.e. a single biological organism.


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