On Fri, 26 Sep 2008, Elliott Hird wrote:
> On 25 Sep 2008, at 17:57, Kerim Aydin wrote:
>> Not only did e try this before, but e was specifically warned that
>> it was a breach of trust, the severity of it was pointed out, and the
>> Rules were changed as a result to amplify that this was a breach of trust.
>> This was done knowingly, willingly, and directly, and with what should
>> have been a strong understanding of its severity.  Still, I would say
>> that 90 days would be sufficient, though frankly I have no faith that
>> e wouldn't just show up again under another guise.  -Goethe
> You have my word that I would fully serve out an EXILE sentence, but
> considering all this I doubt my word is worth much for you.

Well you did come forward a week later but I'm wondering as to your
purpose, were you exploring a bug in the self-ratification-of-identity
rule?  (I can't remember what you said when you originally told us about
it).  It's turned into an interesting discussion in any case.  -Goethe

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