comex wrote:

> On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 10:05 PM, comex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Exactly!  ALREADY TRIED, the explicit mechanism for dealing with dupe
>> trials, requires it to be the same rule or it doesn't count.  But with
>> Goethe's interpretation that R101 implicitly forbids such "double
>> penalization" (of being called to court twice for violating two
>> different rules with the same action, which is exactly the situation
>> in my 'duplicate' criminal case against em), it would be forbidden to
>> initiate a second criminal case even for a different rule.
> Addendum: Of course, there is a purpose to the clause.  Even if Goethe
> is found GUILTY in both cases against em, e must only be punished once
> for eir act.  But that's different.

DISCHARGE would work, but doubling up on any of the other types of
sentences (APOLOGY, FINE, CHOKEY with same length of sentence, EXILE
with same length of sentence) would also arguably result in only one
effective punishment.

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