On Oct 3, 2024, at 7:12 PM, Thaddeus Woskowiak <tswoskow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Nothing against r9 but what's the point of it when plan 9 already boots and 
> does what I need? I'm not drawn to an OS because of the language it's written 
> in. I'm drawn in by the concepts of the OS.

A rewrite is a great way to really learn how something is put together -- what 
is easy, what is hard, what is tricky etc -- and then try to extend it. Plan9 
is small enough that this seems quite feasible.

Though, the plan9 experiment is now over 35 years old. I wish any rewrite (of a 
rewrite) would consider how the computing culture has changed since then and 
try to address today's challenges somehow. And also consider what has not 
worked well in Plan9 and try to remedy that. [Notwithstanding Pike's paper on 
"System Software Research is Dead". Such research may be dead but we still 
don't have better systems]
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