>>>>> "t" == Tim  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

     t> Solaris does not do this.

yeah but the locators for local disks are still based on
pci/controller/channel not devid, so the disk will move to a different
device name if he changes BIOS from pci-ide to AHCI because it changes
the driver attachment.  This may be the problem preventing his bootup,
rather than the known AHCI bug.

I'm not sure what's required to boot off a root pool that's moved
devices, maybe nothing, but for UFS roots it often required booting
off the install media, regenerating /dev (and /devices on sol9),
editing vfstab, u.s.w.

Linux device names don't move as much if you use LVM2, as some of the
distros do by default even for single-device systems.  Device names
are then based on labels written onto the drive, which is a little
scary and adds a lot of confusion, but I think helps with this
moving-device problem and is analagous to what it sounds like ZFS
might do on the latest SXCE's that don't put zpool.cache in the boot

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