On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 5:33 PM, Miles Nordin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >>>>> "t" == Tim  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     t> Solaris does not do this.
> yeah but the locators for local disks are still based on
> pci/controller/channel not devid, so the disk will move to a different
> device name if he changes BIOS from pci-ide to AHCI because it changes
> the driver attachment.  This may be the problem preventing his bootup,
> rather than the known AHCI bug.

Except he was, and is referring to a non-root disk.  If I'm using raw
devices and I unplug my root disk and move it somewhere else, I would expect
to have to update my boot loader.

> Linux device names don't move as much if you use LVM2, as some of the
> distros do by default even for single-device systems.  Device names
> are then based on labels written onto the drive, which is a little
> scary and adds a lot of confusion, but I think helps with this
> moving-device problem and is analagous to what it sounds like ZFS
> might do on the latest SXCE's that don't put zpool.cache in the boot
> archive.

LVM hardly changes the way devices move around in Linux, or it's horrendous
handling of /dev.  You are correct in that it is a step towards masking the
ugliness.  I, however, do not consider it a fix.  Unfortunately it's not
used in the majority of the sites I am involved in, and as such isn't any
sort of help.  The administration overhead it adds is not worth the hassle
for the majority of my customers.

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