>>>>> "t" == Tim  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

     t> Except he was, and is referring to a non-root disk.

wait, what?  his root disk isn't plugged into the pci-ide controller?

     t> LVM hardly changes the way devices move around in Linux,

fine, be pedantic.  It makes systems boot and mount all their
filesystems including '/' even when you move disks around.  agreed

There's a simpler Linux way of doing this which I use on my Linux
systems: mounting by the UUID in the filesystem's superblock.  But I
think RedHat is using LVM2 to do it.

Anyway modern Linux systems don't put names like /dev/sda in
/etc/fstab, and they don't use these names to find the root filesystem
either---they have all that LVM2 stuff in the early userspace.

Solaris seems to be going the same ``mount by label'' direction with
ZFS (except with zpool.cache, devid's, and mpxio, it's a bit of a
hybrid approach---when it goes out searching for labels, and when it
expects devices to be on the same bus/controller/channel, isn't
something I fully understand yet and I expect will only become clear
through experience).

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