2008/8/27 Richard Elling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>> Either the drives should be loaded with special firmware that
>>>> returns errors earlier, or the software LVM should read redundant data
>>>> and collect the statistic if the drive is well outside its usual
>>>> response latency.
>>> ZFS will handle this case as well.
>> How is ZFS handling this? Is there a timeout in ZFS?
> Not for this case, but if configured to manage redundancy, ZFS will
> "read redundant data" from alternate devices.

No, ZFS will not, ZFS waits for the device driver to report an error,
after that it will read from alternate devices.

ZFS could detect that there is probably a problem with the device and
read from an alternate device much faster while it waits for the
device to answer.

You can't do this at any other level than ZFS.

>>>>  One thing other LVM's seem like they may do better
>>>> than ZFS, based on not-quite-the-same-scenario tests, is not freeze
>>>> filesystems unrelated to the failing drive during the 30 seconds it's
>>>> waiting for the I/O request to return an error.
>>> This is not operating in ZFS code.
>> In what way is freezing a ZFS filesystem not operating in ZFS code?
>> Notice that he wrote filesystems unrelated to the failing drive.
> At the ZFS level, this is dictated by the failmode property.

But that is used after ZFS has detected an error?

> I find comparing unprotected ZFS configurations with LVMs
> using protected configurations to be disingenuous.

I don't think anyone is doing that.

>> What is your definition of unrecoverable reads?
> I wrote data, but when I try to read, I don't get back what I wrote.

There is only one case where ZFS is better, that is when wrong data is
returned. All other cases are managed by layers below ZFS. Wrong data
returned is not normaly called unrecoverable reads.
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