>>>>> "thp" == Todd H Poole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    >> Would try this with
    >> your pci/pci-e cards in this system? I think not.

   thp> Unplugging one of them seems like a fine test to me

I've done it, with 32-bit 5 volt PCI, I forget why.  I might have been
trying to use a board, but bypass the broken etherboot ROM on the
board.  It was something like that.

IIRC it works sometimes, crashes the machine sometimes, and fries the
hardware eventually if you keep doing it long enough.  

The exact same three cases are true of cold-plugging a PCI
card.  It just works a-lot-more-often sometimes if you power down

Does massively inappropriate hotplugging possibly weaken the hardware
so that it's more likely to pop later?  maybe.  Can you think of a
good test for that?

Believe it or not, sometimes accurate information is worth more than a
motherboard that cost $50 five years ago.  Sometimes saving ten
minutes is worth more.  or...<cough> recovering an openprom password.

Testing availability claims rather than accepting them on faith, or 
rather than gaining experience in a slow, oozing, anecdotal way on
production machinery, is definitely not stupid.  Testing them in a way
that compares one system to another is double-un-stupid.

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