These are the best guides for installing Web2Py + Cherokee:

   - Based on my personal experience from installing Web2Py on Cherokee 
      about a year ago
I'm not sure how much has changed since then...


On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 2:00:22 PM UTC+9, Lewis wrote:
> I thought Apache was hard.  Cherokee seems impossible to configure.  A web 
> ui doesn't help much if it doesn't work.  I have tried to follow the 
> application cookbook carefully.  I have failed in some fundamental way.  I 
> have to say that of the dozens of webpages I have looked, there are many 
> inconsistencies in the scripts and instructions for this configuration.  It 
> seems a very sad state of affairs.
> Here is what I have on Ubuntu 11.10:
> installed:
>    cherokee
>    cherokee-admin
>    libcherokee-base0
>    libcherokee-mod-libssl
>    libcherokee-mod-rrd
>    libcherokee-server0
>    rrdtool
>    uwsgi
>    uwsgi-core
>    uwsgi-plugin-python
> version of cherokee is v 1.2.2
> version of uwsgi is v
> That seems to be all of the dependencies anyone has ever mentioned.  Am I 
> missing anything?
> Here is my config.xml file, located in my web2py home (/var/web2py/):
> <uwsgi>
> <pythonpath>/var/web2py/</pythonpath>
> <app mountpoint="/">
> <script>wsgihandler</script>
> </app>
> <socket></socket>
> <processes>8</processes>
> <memory-report/>
> </uwsgi>
> There seem to be many variations in config.  Some people use <module> 
> outside of the <app> tag.  Some people don't use mount point.  Some people 
> don't hard code the socket and simply refer to a file in /tmp.  
> I attempted to follow the cookbook for the config of cherokee via the web 
> ui:
>    one virtual server: document root (/var/www)
>    rules: regular expression: ^(/.+?/static/.+)$ with a static content 
> handler at /var/web2py/applications and i/o cache enabled
>      default: handler (uWSGI), Balancer (Failover),
>     source: remote host, nickname (uWSGI 1), connection:
> Perhaps it is easier to diagnose with the cherokee.conf file:  
> config!version = 001002002
> server!bind!1!port = 80
> server!bind!2!port = 443
> server!bind!2!tls = 1
> server!group = www-data
> server!ipv6 = 0
> server!keepalive = 1
> server!keepalive_max_requests = 500
> server!panic_action = /usr/share/cherokee/cherokee-panic
> server!pid_file = /var/run/
> server!server_tokens = full
> server!timeout = 15
> server!tls = libssl
> server!tls!protocol!SSLv2 = 1
> server!user = www-data
> vserver!10!directory_index = index.html
> vserver!10!document_root = /var/www
> vserver!10!error_writer!filename = /var/log/cherokee/cherokee.error
> vserver!10!error_writer!type = file
> vserver!10!logger = combined
> vserver!10!logger!access!buffsize = 16384
> vserver!10!logger!access!filename = /var/log/cherokee/cherokee.access
> vserver!10!logger!access!type = file
> vserver!10!nick = default
> vserver!10!rule!101!document_root = /var/web2py/applications
> vserver!10!rule!101!handler = file
> vserver!10!rule!101!match = request
> vserver!10!rule!101!match!request = ^(/.+?/static/.+)$
> vserver!10!rule!1!handler = uwsgi
> vserver!10!rule!1!handler!balancer = failover
> vserver!10!rule!1!handler!balancer!source!10 = 1
> vserver!10!rule!1!handler!iocache = 1
> vserver!10!rule!1!match = default
> vserver!10!ssl_certificate_file = /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem
> vserver!10!ssl_certificate_key_file = /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.key
> source!1!host =
> source!1!nick = uWSGI 1
> source!1!type = host
> <icon and mime directives omitted....>
> I start uwsgi with the following command in terminal starting in my web2py 
> home directory (/var/web2py):
>     uwsgi -x config.xml -d /tmp/uwsgi.log
> The best I have ever done is have the cherokee index.html page come up, 
> but not with the above config.  At this point all I get is a 500 internal 
> server error.  I can send the logs if anyone things they would help--they 
> are gibberish to me.  
> A problem the uwsgi log does show is that it sees another instance of 
> uwsgi at the socket address.  IT IS VERY HARD TO KILL uwsgi. Normal linux 
> kill doesn't do it.  Only kill -KILL -<pid group> seems to do it--and only 
> very inconsistently.  It is not clear to me if I need to start uwsgi 
> manually or if Cherokee will do it.  In any case, it just won't die so that 
> I can restart.  I really dread rebooting the VPS (linode) as I don't know 
> how many things will break and not restart normally. 
> (note that it is sudo kill... which only did the job once...)
> I am really at my wit's end here after hours of research and 
> reconfiguring.  These things are so fragile and poorly documented (except 
> for the cookbook, which is entirely clear as far as it goes--but like any 
> cookbook, it doesn't provide much in the way of diagnostics).  Such a waste 
> of time when we could be writing nice Python code for web2py sites...

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