> (note that it is sudo kill... which only did the job once...)
> I am really at my wit's end here after hours of research and
> reconfiguring.
>  These things are so fragile and poorly documented (except for the
> cookbook, which is entirely clear as far as it goes--but like any
> cookbook,
> it doesn't provide much in the way of diagnostics).  Such a waste of time
> when we could be writing nice Python code for web2py sites...

I suggest you to hire a sysadmin if you do not want to "waste" time on
another job (yes system administration and programming are completely
different jobs, from skills to approaches) ;)

By the way, you should take in account a couple of things:

- You are using outdated and unmantained packages, at leats for uWSGI you
are using a really ancient release with (maybe) hundreds of bugs.

- Cherokee is currently "starved" in development and has been removed from
debian packages. Are you sure you want to (currently) use it or invest on
it ? Do not get me wrong, i like it and i have worked a lot on it, but
would you use a (currently) unmaintained software ? We are talking about a

- kill is for sending signals, not for "killing" processes (i know, the
name is controversial :P). In uWSGI you can use signals to govern it.
http://projects.unbit.it/uwsgi/wiki/uWSGISignals has the list of signals.
Send them to the master. If you do not like the signal mapping you can
change it (just run uwsgi --help on a stable release)

Having said that, if you want to be a better sysadmin, start with
tiny/slow steps whenever you start learning something.

When i need to introduce someone to uWSGI and generally on WSGI
deployment, i point him/her to that page:


After having delployed the first hello world, simply move to the web2py
directory and call wsgihandler.py instead of hello.py.

After that, you could leave the things in that way (the --http options
spawns an http proxy, bind it to the port 80 [remember to drop
privileges!!!] and you are ready) or choose a full webserver (you have a
lot of choice). But this is a second step...

Roberto De Ioris

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