I thought Apache was hard. Cherokee seems impossible to configure. A web ui doesn't help much if it doesn't work. I have tried to follow the application cookbook carefully. I have failed in some fundamental way. I have to say that of the dozens of webpages I have looked, there are many inconsistencies in the scripts and instructions for this configuration. It seems a very sad state of affairs.
Here is what I have on Ubuntu 11.10: installed: cherokee cherokee-admin libcherokee-base0 libcherokee-mod-libssl libcherokee-mod-rrd libcherokee-server0 rrdtool uwsgi uwsgi-core uwsgi-plugin-python version of cherokee is v 1.2.2 version of uwsgi is v That seems to be all of the dependencies anyone has ever mentioned. Am I missing anything? Here is my config.xml file, located in my web2py home (/var/web2py/): <uwsgi> <pythonpath>/var/web2py/</pythonpath> <app mountpoint="/"> <script>wsgihandler</script> </app> <socket></socket> <processes>8</processes> <memory-report/> </uwsgi> There seem to be many variations in config. Some people use <module> outside of the <app> tag. Some people don't use mount point. Some people don't hard code the socket and simply refer to a file in /tmp. I attempted to follow the cookbook for the config of cherokee via the web ui: one virtual server: document root (/var/www) rules: regular expression: ^(/.+?/static/.+)$ with a static content handler at /var/web2py/applications and i/o cache enabled default: handler (uWSGI), Balancer (Failover), source: remote host, nickname (uWSGI 1), connection: Perhaps it is easier to diagnose with the cherokee.conf file: config!version = 001002002 server!bind!1!port = 80 server!bind!2!port = 443 server!bind!2!tls = 1 server!group = www-data server!ipv6 = 0 server!keepalive = 1 server!keepalive_max_requests = 500 server!panic_action = /usr/share/cherokee/cherokee-panic server!pid_file = /var/run/cherokee.pid server!server_tokens = full server!timeout = 15 server!tls = libssl server!tls!protocol!SSLv2 = 1 server!user = www-data vserver!10!directory_index = index.html vserver!10!document_root = /var/www vserver!10!error_writer!filename = /var/log/cherokee/cherokee.error vserver!10!error_writer!type = file vserver!10!logger = combined vserver!10!logger!access!buffsize = 16384 vserver!10!logger!access!filename = /var/log/cherokee/cherokee.access vserver!10!logger!access!type = file vserver!10!nick = default vserver!10!rule!101!document_root = /var/web2py/applications vserver!10!rule!101!handler = file vserver!10!rule!101!match = request vserver!10!rule!101!match!request = ^(/.+?/static/.+)$ vserver!10!rule!1!handler = uwsgi vserver!10!rule!1!handler!balancer = failover vserver!10!rule!1!handler!balancer!source!10 = 1 vserver!10!rule!1!handler!iocache = 1 vserver!10!rule!1!match = default vserver!10!ssl_certificate_file = /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem vserver!10!ssl_certificate_key_file = /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.key source!1!host = source!1!nick = uWSGI 1 source!1!type = host <icon and mime directives omitted....> I start uwsgi with the following command in terminal starting in my web2py home directory (/var/web2py): uwsgi -x config.xml -d /tmp/uwsgi.log The best I have ever done is have the cherokee index.html page come up, but not with the above config. At this point all I get is a 500 internal server error. I can send the logs if anyone things they would help--they are gibberish to me. A problem the uwsgi log does show is that it sees another instance of uwsgi at the socket address. IT IS VERY HARD TO KILL uwsgi. Normal linux kill doesn't do it. Only kill -KILL -<pid group> seems to do it--and only very inconsistently. It is not clear to me if I need to start uwsgi manually or if Cherokee will do it. In any case, it just won't die so that I can restart. I really dread rebooting the VPS (linode) as I don't know how many things will break and not restart normally. (note that it is sudo kill... which only did the job once...) I am really at my wit's end here after hours of research and reconfiguring. These things are so fragile and poorly documented (except for the cookbook, which is entirely clear as far as it goes--but like any cookbook, it doesn't provide much in the way of diagnostics). Such a waste of time when we could be writing nice Python code for web2py sites...