On Nov 13, 5:06 pm, Branko Vukelic <bg.bra...@gmail.com> wrote: > Oh, noes! This widget suffers from so many usability issues I can't > believe it still exists.
Hi Branko I am not saying it is necessarily the best, but for me it is better than clockpick. It seems that hardly anyone is using just a Time widget. The Date and Datetime are both served by the other widget. The version of Clockpick in Web2py was always seriously flawed and it seems to me that I was the only one that noticed! So before criticising its possible replacement, please ask yourself, did you ever use it? :) With TimeEntry, once I found that you navigate the control just by using the arrow keys, I was delighted. That makes it much more usable, not less. If you set the minute interval to 30 mins then, even with the cursor just in the mins, I can cycle thru all the hours in the day within about 2 secs! I don't need the mouse any more! The criticism of the optional mouse click control being small is not totally fair because you can use a bigger control if you want. And, if you really want to use the mouse, use the scroll wheel, it's great. If anyone finds something better, please recommend it. In the meantime Clockpick is broken so what do we do while everyone goes off programming the perfect widget which I question they will be using themselves anyway! Best regards, -D