Hi Branko,

LOL, At first glance I had the same reaction but I just checked out
timeEntry's features and it looks like a excellent fit for the Web2py
community. In addition it appears to be fairly easy to customize
everything but drop downs (although this may be possible)

Now I love it...

Good Web2py Fit Features:

* Internationalization / Regional
* Highly Customizable / CSS / The tooltip text for the spinner
* 24:00 or 12:00 clock and so on
* Many other customizations
* Excellent keyboard navigation features
* Highly compact (mobiles, iphone, other small screen devices)
* Actively developed
* GPL and MIT licences
* jQuery

I would agree that the spinner (control) is is not my fav, I would
probably customize it for Web2py which I think would would take a lot
less time than creating an old style drop down system with features
that will work for Web2py users everywhere.



On Nov 13, 12:06 pm, Branko Vukelic <bg.bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Oh, noes! This widget suffers from so many usability issues I can't
> believe it still exists.

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