On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 8:36 PM, villas <villa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Anthony
> Please bear in mind that anyone doing serious form filling should not
> have to use a mouse at all.  Use the arrow keys instead - it flies.

Should not, but they do. People should use Ctrl+V for paste (or
Shift+Ins), but they don't. You'd think that even the toolbar paste
icon would be quick enough, but they right-click and look for the
paste item which _never_ appear at the same place.

Us geeks have more than once made completely incorrect assumptions
about what people actually do. And they do unimaginably inefficient
things. Hell, if they did what I think is best, they'd be using
terminals for day-to-day file management, and write scripts to help
with those tasks. My impression in working with people who use office
type of apps is that they do indeed keep one hand on the mouse (not
literally, obviously). On more than one occasion, I've gotten explicit
requests to use drop-downs as time picker.

Branko Vukelić


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