Yes, you are right, users get up to all kinds of things :)  However, I
think it is still true to say:
a. Form filling should still be efficient without using a mouse.
b. TimeEntry is better than Clockpick (not least because the latter is

If we wish to take it further, I suggest one of the following:
1. Fix Clockpick and integrate the latest version (the Web2py one was
broken anyway). I have tried to fix it this morning, but failed.  I
hate it now anyway!
2. Install TimeEntry because at least I have proven it is flexible and
3. Suggest an existing superior alternative to TimeEntry.

I didn't include the option 'program our home-rolled version' because
I really do not think that's a good idea when there is a free, off the
shelf solution which is very flexible and already supported.  I know
we sometimes re-invent the wheel because 'we can', but surely there
will be better things for us to do on a Sunday?

Just my 2 cts.  I'll shut up now :)

On Nov 13, 8:23 pm, Branko Vukelic <> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 8:36 PM, villas <> wrote:
> > Hi Anthony
> > Please bear in mind that anyone doing serious form filling should not
> > have to use a mouse at all.  Use the arrow keys instead - it flies.
> Should not, but they do. People should use Ctrl+V for paste (or
> Shift+Ins), but they don't. You'd think that even the toolbar paste
> icon would be quick enough, but they right-click and look for the
> paste item which _never_ appear at the same place.
> Us geeks have more than once made completely incorrect assumptions
> about what people actually do. And they do unimaginably inefficient
> things. Hell, if they did what I think is best, they'd be using
> terminals for day-to-day file management, and write scripts to help
> with those tasks. My impression in working with people who use office
> type of apps is that they do indeed keep one hand on the mouse (not
> literally, obviously). On more than one occasion, I've gotten explicit
> requests to use drop-downs as time picker.
> --
> Branko Vukelić
> Check out my blog:
> Check out my portfolio:
> Registered Linux user #438078 (
> I hang out on
> Gimp Brushmakers Guild

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