If you want to try it... 1). Download files: http://keith-wood.name/timeEntry.html Optionally this: http://plugins.jquery.com/files/jquery.mousewheel.3.0.2.zip
2). Add to views/layout.html {{response.files.append(URL(request.application,'static','css/ jquery.timeentry.css'))}} {{response.files.append(URL(request.application,'static','js/ jquery.timeentry.js'))}} {{response.files.append(URL(request.application,'static','js/ jquery.mousewheel.min.js'))}} 3). Make sure those 3 files above are copied into the folders under static dir. 4). Copy spinnerDefault.png into static/images 5). In views/web2py_ajax.html replace this: try { jQuery("input.time").clockpick({ starthour:0, endhour:23, showminutes:true, military:true }); } catch(e) {}; ...with... try { jQuery("input.time").timeEntry({spinnerImage: "{{=URL('static','images/spinnerDefault.png')}}", show24Hours: true, timeSteps: [1, 30, 0], minTime: new Date(0, 0, 0, 7, 00, 0), maxTime: new Date(0, 0, 0, 22, 00, 0) }); } catch(e) {}; I included a couple of optional settings so you can see how they work in combination. It only takes a couple of minutes to set it up like this. Hope I didn't forget anything. :) -D