On Friday, October 13, 2017 at 7:22:42 PM UTC-4, Joe wrote:
> Hi Dave, I have reloaded the apps in web2py if that's what you mean. I 
> can't restart web2py, I can only reload the apps, I guess.
> Is there an other way on pythonanywhere? I mean, restarting web2py instead 
> of reloading the apps?
> *Re: robots.txt*
> If I put robots.txt in my static folder the URL will still have to be 
> *mysite.com/init/static/robots.txt 
> <http://mysite.com/init/static/robots.txt>* to reach it- this is the 
> issue I am trying to solve - I am trying have *mysite.com/robots.txt 
> <http://mysite.com/robots.txt>*

Are you sure you have created /web2py/routes.py as described above and 
either reloaded the routes via the button in the web2py admin app or 
reloaded the web app via the PythonAnywhere "Web" tab? Note that routes.py 
must be in the root /web2py folder.


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