Hi Anthony,

My file structure on pythonanywhere looks like this:


*init* being the app name.


In the web2py directory, I have a routes.py file which contains this code:


routers = dict(


    BASE = dict( 



    init = dict( 



        functions=['call', 'download', 'index', 'user'] 



So, the web2py directory contains an application directory which contains 
all my app directories. Then, all the app directories also have an 
application directory which contains the app, *named init*.


I am not so sure if this is the optimal structure. Is it?


In any case, I used the button on the pythonanywhere *Web* tab to *Reload 
www.myapp.com*. And, nothing changed.


I would love to resolve this, and find out what's wrong. 

Thanks again for all your help.



On Sunday, October 15, 2017 at 10:07:51 PM UTC+8, Anthony wrote:
> On Friday, October 13, 2017 at 7:22:42 PM UTC-4, Joe wrote:
>> Hi Dave, I have reloaded the apps in web2py if that's what you mean. I 
>> can't restart web2py, I can only reload the apps, I guess.
>> Is there an other way on pythonanywhere? I mean, restarting web2py 
>> instead of reloading the apps?
>> *Re: robots.txt*
>> If I put robots.txt in my static folder the URL will still have to be 
>> *mysite.com/init/static/robots.txt 
>> <http://mysite.com/init/static/robots.txt>* to reach it- this is the 
>> issue I am trying to solve - I am trying have *mysite.com/robots.txt 
>> <http://mysite.com/robots.txt>*
> Are you sure you have created /web2py/routes.py as described above and 
> either reloaded the routes via the button in the web2py admin app or 
> reloaded the web app via the PythonAnywhere "Web" tab? Note that routes.py 
> must be in the root /web2py folder.
> Anthony

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