Thanks Anthony, when you say "*specify the functions in the default 
controller* ", what do you mean exactly? I just want to make sure I 
understand you correctly.

When I go to <> I don't have 
the  *init/default/ *in the URL. But, when I click to go to an other page I 
do have the  *init/default/ *in every URL, even when I go back to the <> it will now contain the 
*init/default/. *
So, yes it is when I am requesting args, I guess.

Can you walk me through how to *specify the functions in the default 

On Monday, September 18, 2017 at 10:39:46 AM UTC+8, Anthony wrote:
> First, you can just put all the router code in /web2py/ -- no 
> need for anything specific in the app folder. Second, you need to specify 
> the functions in the default controller if you want /default/index to be 
> gone when there are any request.args.
> How are your URLs being generated? What happens if you just go to 
> Anthony
> On Sunday, September 17, 2017 at 9:24:31 AM UTC-4, Joe wrote:
>> Yes, I reloaded the app. Nothing happens, it doesn't change the URL.
>> I tried several different ways to change the
>> In the current situation in the *web2py* folder I have this in the* 
>>* file: 
>> routers = dict(
>>   BASE  = dict(default_application='init'),
>> )
>> Then, in the 
>> *web2py/applications/myappfolder/applications/init/* I have the 
>> same code:
>> routers = dict(
>>   BASE  = dict(default_application='init'),
>> )
>> Something doesn't seem right about the above path and folder structure. 
>> Maybe this is the problem, but this seems to be the only way to install the 
>> app on Pythonanywhere. But, this doesn't seem right.
>> On Sunday, September 17, 2017 at 9:05:05 PM UTC+8, Anthony wrote:
>>> Did you reload routes or restart the server?

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