On Friday, October 13, 2017 at 4:22:42 PM UTC-7, Joe wrote:
> Hi Dave, I have reloaded the apps in web2py if that's what you mean. I 
> can't restart web2py, I can only reload the apps, I guess.
> Is there an other way on pythonanywhere? I mean, restarting web2py instead 
> of reloading the apps?

I'm not sure what you mean by "reload the apps".  Routes.py in the web2py 
directory is normally read-once.

I haven't used pythonanywhere, and my Heroku experience is with node.js, 
and a few months ago.  As I recall, with Heroku you stop the server from 
the Heroku dashboard.  You then do a normal reload, which will read the git 
repo again, pour everything into a fresh container, and start the server.  
If pythonanywhere isn't like that, then you'll have to wait for someone 
with relevant experience to comment.  I think that Massimo hosts the 
documentation (aka the example app) on pythonanywhere, but you'll have to 
wait for his confirmation of that.

> *Re: robots.txt*
> If I put robots.txt in my static folder the URL will still have to be 
> *mysite.com/init/static/robots.txt 
> <http://mysite.com/init/static/robots.txt>* to reach it- this is the 
> issue I am trying to solve - I am trying have *mysite.com/robots.txt 
> <http://mysite.com/robots.txt>*
In my cloud instance (which is native AWS linux), I have a routes.py that 
sets the default app (magic4.myemployer.com, so to speak) and have the 
robots.txt in myapp/static.  I have confirmed with curl from another 
machine that that works as desired.

Good luck!



> On Saturday, October 14, 2017 at 2:35:11 AM UTC+8, Dave S wrote:
>> On Friday, October 13, 2017 at 2:12:13 AM UTC-7, Joe wrote:
>>> Thanks very much Anthony for all your help with this one. I copied the 
>>> exact code you posted but nothing changed.
>> Did you restart web2py?  The routes file isn't normally reloaded while 
>> the server is running.
>>> I wonder if this has to do with having multiple apps in the web2py 
>>> directory. I just can't fix this issue no matter what I do.
>>> Btw, even if I was to manage somehow to get rid off the "init", is it 
>>> possible to have this URL *mysite.com/robot.txt 
>>> <http://mysite.com/robot.txt>*  - probably not possible, right? Even on 
>>> the link you sent, it would be *mysite.com/default/robot.txt 
>>> <http://mysite.com/default/robot.txt> *- which means the search engines 
>>> wouldn't find it.
>> Put robots.txt in your static folder.
>> /dps
>>> But, I can't even get rid of the "init", which is frustrating. I asked 
>>> about this on pythonanywhere, but they don't know. They say it's a web2py 
>>> issue.
>>> On Monday, September 18, 2017 at 10:25:54 PM UTC+8, Anthony wrote:
>>>> FYI, here is a Pythonanywhere app with routing working as expected (the 
>>>> app is named "init"): https://w2ptest.pythonanywhere.com/ 
>>>> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fw2ptest.pythonanywhere.com%2F&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNEGRowkNGI04V6puqZsomxXem1MRQ>
>>>> Below are the exact contents of the /web2py/routes.py file for the 
>>>> above installation:
>>>> routers = dict(
>>>>     BASE = dict(
>>>>         default_application='init'
>>>>     ),
>>>>     init = dict(
>>>>         default_controller='default',
>>>>         default_function='index',
>>>>         functions=['call', 'download', 'index', 'user']
>>>>     )
>>>> )
>>>> Also, note that as long as you are going to use the rewrite system as 
>>>> above, there is no particular reason to name your app "init". The only 
>>>> reason to use "init" is if you are not using the rewrite system and want a 
>>>> default application when accessing a URL with the domain name only.
>>>> Anthony
>>>> On Monday, September 18, 2017 at 10:05:31 AM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
>>>>> On Monday, September 18, 2017 at 9:30:26 AM UTC-4, Joe wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Anthony, when you say "*specify the functions in the default 
>>>>>> controller* ", what do you mean exactly? I just want to make sure I 
>>>>>> understand you correctly.
>>>>> See https://groups.google.com/d/msg/web2py/FcdWR6VuB6Y/Et3sUGmHBAAJ.
>>>>> But that does not appear to be the issue you are experiencing. You 
>>>>> might have to contact Pythonanywhere support, as it sounds like somehow 
>>>>> it 
>>>>> is ignoring the routes.py file.
>>>>> Anthony

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