Em Quarta-feira 13 Maio 2009, às 11:17:32, Yarko Tymciurak escreveu:
> On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 7:43 AM, Douglas Soares de Andrade <
> dsandr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I was talking to Alvaro yesterday, and we had a problem to get the latest
> > trunk without having to fetch all the hg repository, so i did this little
> > python script (which depends on BeautifulSoup).
> .......

Hi Yarko,

> can't you just directly get the zip or tar/gzip from your bitbucket page
> (upper right corner)?
> http://bitbucket.org/douglas/web2py/get/5e1df34e2052.gz

No, because it is randomly generated, this is why i parse the page to get the 
latest revision.

> ....
> As for the general idea of scripting, updating web2py automatically - I
> like the idea, I like the idea of optionally getting a zip (or tar-gz,
> etc.)....
> Yesterday, I was looking at TortoiseHG sources, and realized that this
> could usefully be adapted to an admin controller... (I know - this is not
> directly about updating web2py itself, but it could be)...
> As for not overwriting a running instance (Markus's concern) - that could
> be managed by a cron'd update / server restart (if it is a problem)...
> Heading to a new world!  No more discussions about "install xxx and get a
> new web2py copy..."  or "I don't know what to give this xxx command..."  -
> this hopefully will be useful as a simpler set of options for applications
> / users too.
> Fun!

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