Hi all,

I was talking to Alvaro yesterday, and we had a problem to get the latest 
trunk without having to fetch all the hg repository, so i did this little 
python script (which depends on BeautifulSoup).

To use it, install beautifulsoup and then run:

python get_latest_web2py.py

And it will fetch the latest zip from the hg mirror that im maintaining in 

The resulting file will have this name:

web2py-rev_changeset-currentdate.zip, e.g, web2py-794_5e1df34e2052-130509.zip.

Hope it is useful for those who have a slow connection and just want to test 
the latest trunk.

Im also thinking in creating a tk interface for it, with support for choice 
between the latest five revisions, if someone has skills in tk, i would like a 
hand =)

@Massimo: Can we add this to the scripts folder in web2py ?


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# coding: utf-8

################### TODO ####################
# 1. Get the commiter name
# 2. Get the human readable revision number
# 3. Better document it
# 4. Add a progress bar

# Modules
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from datetime import datetime

import urllib,shutil,os

# Get changeset page contents
print "Getting changesets..."
page = urllib.urlopen("http://bitbucket.org/douglas/web2py/changesets/";).read()

# Lets generate a soup tree
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)

# Now lets get the last revision and build the download url
changeset = soup.find('div',id='chg_0').\

description = soup.find('div',id='chg_0').\

# Configure the local vars to fetch the file
print "Defining internal vars..."
download_url = 'http://bitbucket.org/douglas/web2py/get/%s.zip' % changeset
curdate = datetime.now().strftime("%d%m%y")
curpath = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
lastrev = int(soup.find('td').string.split("commit")[1].split(":")[0])
newfile = "%(curpath)s/web2py-%(lastrev)s_%(changeset)s-%(curdate)s.zip" % locals()

# Finnaly lets get the file
print "Fetching the file: %(download_url)s" % locals()
temp_file,metadata = urllib.urlretrieve(download_url)

# Move the temp file to the real file
print "Moving the temp file to the real file."
shutil.move(temp_file, newfile)

# Some debug info
print "Last commit: %(description)s" % locals()
print "File saved to: %(newfile)s" % locals()

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